Early Spring
I have just finished planting the early spring garden, picture from last year, hoping for even better results this year. All the spring bulbs are flowering, lost a few things in the really cold December but most are doing well. There is a rented male alpaca in the pasture, hoping for some crias next year, check back as it takes 11 months to know for sure. Also have chickens that are producing very well just now, more than a dozen daily. Call and come by to get some $5.00 per dozen 864-903-1856.

My chickens are laying well now. I have ten dozen eggs for sale $4.00 per dozen if you tale all (volume discount) and $5.00 for fewer. Please call and come by Lucky Acres Farm to get some. All less than a week old, I get 18 per day. 864-903-1856.

Anderson County Farmers Market is beginning the first Saturday in April. I plan to be there with whatever is available from the farm. I hope y'all will come by and say hi.

I have lots of lettuce picked Friday and brown eggs left over from the farmers market yesterday. $4.00 a bag for lettuce and $4.00 a dozen if picked up at the farm. Call me if interested 864-903-1856.
Lucky Acres Farm will again participate in the Upstate Farm Tour this Sunday June 11 from 1:00-6:00. We are excited to have this event return to our area. Please call for more info 864-903-1856. Hope to see you then.
