​Lucky Acres Farm is home to many different species of animals including alpacas, miniature silky fainting goats, chickens and equines
We have 5 female alpacas and one male named Charlie. He gives me a "kiss" almost every morning when we feed them their grain. All are ARI registered, have given names and microchips.
Alpacas are members of the camel family. The huacaya is the most common with a crimp in the fleece. They look like fluffy teddy bears. The suri has pencil locks that hang down. Alpacas are about 36 inches tall and can weigh up to 200 pounds. They eat about a cup of grain a day, hay in the winter and grass in the summer. they also need fresh water and a mineral mix. The gestation is 11 1/2 months. They are mild tempered and easy to manage and can steal your heart the first time you see them with their beautiful eyes and graceful manner.

Her favorite activity is rolling in the red mud to get that gorgeous Clemson Orange color. She is a die hard Clemson and hopes to fun down the hill with Coach and the boys one day!

They were obviously scheming how to get extra grain this day.

This is one of our boys the day after shearing.

Her favorite activity is rolling in the red mud to get that gorgeous Clemson Orange color. She is a die hard Clemson and hopes to fun down the hill with Coach and the boys one day!

Miss Scarlett, died on December 31 very quickly,. We do not know the cause but we are saddened by her passing. Miss Mammie is the security on our farm. Gracie is the pasture ornamet.. We learned about a fellow alpaca breeder who had lost six of her alpacas to a neighbor's dog attack. We also knew that several other alpaca farms had donkeys to protect their herd, so we brought home two. They are a wonderful addition to the pasture. Miss Scarlett is very friendly and Lily can feed and pet her anytime. Miss Mammie is not as hands on, but loves to "sing" to us whenever she see us outside. The donkeys and Gracie are in the far pasture from the house.
Often we celebrate Joe's birthday on shearing day but not this year. Our shearing day was April 12th. All are invited to attend. You need to wear old clothes and plan to get dirty. We will have lunch, cold drinks and snacks for all. Please call ahead to make sure there has been no change in plans - 864-903-1856. One year we were rained out and had to reschedule. The alpacas have to be dry to shear. The alpacas are on the mat less than 10 minutes with all their needs taken care of such as hair cuts, toe nails trimmed, annual shots given, and dental work when needed. They are so funny to watch when they see each other without their fleece and the first time it rains on them.
This is the best time to purchase fleece straight off the alpaca of your choice. For anyone interested iwhole fleeces or any part can be available. We then clean , or skirt the fleece as it is caled and send it off the the mill to be made into roving and yarn.. It is kept as the individual animal's product all the way to selling it in skeins with their picture on it. The leftover fleece is then made into a farm blend so as to get the most possible usage.